Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I will never forget my 'firsts' in Spanish. My first time going to the temple and doing everything in Spanish. My first time praying in Spanish. My first time giving a blessing or performing a baptism or doing a confirmation in Spanish. Even when I had much experience under my belt I always got the jitters before doing something important in another language. My first prayer was memorized! Lucky for me, I had been embarrassed many times before, often because of my own brothers. I was always able to get over the jitters though. I am so grateful than I was never so scared or nervous to the point of not being able to be a productive missionary. I do remember a time when an Elder in my zone was afraid of opening his mouth to speak. He was a new Latin elder. He just couldn't summon the courage to speak with people he didn't know. His companion was struggling with this elder's inability to contact and asked if I would help. I took the opportunity to help and we switched companions for a day. I immediately started to contact people in the streets with this scared elder. I kept on contacting hoping he would gain some courage and maybe do a contact for himself. That didn't happen, so I thought to myself, "What would dad you?" An idea immediately popped into my head. I took the Elder to a park where lots of people were gathered. We saw an old lady on a bench by herself and a group of guys not far away from her joking around. Instead of asking whether or not my companion would like to contact either the woman or the group, which would require a yes or no answer and let him escape, I told him to contact the group of guys while I contacted the woman. I knew what his response would be. "Elder! Can you contact the group? I'll contact the old lady!" I figured a way to get him to want to contact. Now, getting him to do a contact wasn't enough. He needed courage to talk to anybody, not just the easy contacts. Here is where the "what my dad would do" part came to play. I agreed to the Elders terms and told him to walk with me over toward the group and I would contact them while he continued walking past to contact the older woman. As soon as we reached the group of guys I grabbed the Elder and pushed him into the middle of the group of guys and said, "Hey guys my friend here wants to talk to you real quick." I winked at my companion and walked over to the older woman to contact her. While I was contacting the woman I looked over every few seconds to see how the elder was doing. He finished his contact and met up with me. He had a look in his eye I hadn't seen yet, it was confidence. He felt so proud he contacted a group of "scary" guys. For the rest of that day he had no problem contacting people on the street. It just took one moment of courage for him to find his. I was proud of him. Sometimes you just need break the ice and get confident!

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